Unless the potting shed is concrete they will find a way. Even then they might chew through the door!
How many. Seems likea couple hundred but actually a litter can have up to a dozen if food is plentiful.
Like the others say, they never stop. I get maybe 20 or so a year. Only time I dont get them is in mid winter. Already got 2 this week in Central Minn. So big that even with the largest have a hart trap, I had to pull em out. I dont know HOW they squeezed into that thing. Not a tear shed here over keeping the polulation as close to zip as I can.
Bayside Chick- are your chickens in a fenced area, coop, or free ranging? I am asking because, if they are fenced, I use an electric wire around the top of my fence and I have totally eliminated my coon issue.
The 3 NH Reds are in the coop I built out back (2ftX8 1/2 ft). It`s made out of 3/4 in plywood and 1/4 in. wire mesh...it`s pretty safe , so far. The smaller coop I built (2ft wide X 4 ft long)was made from 1 in welded wire , that I thought would be O.K. The "chicken farmer" we bought the orig. chicks from actually recommended using it , on the bottom , so the droppings would fall through. I figured if it was good enough for the bottom , it would be good enough for the 2 sides that weren`t plywood. Little did I know they could reach right through the 1 in. wire.
Anyone thinking chicken wire is good enough is crazy
The first "incident" happened in an old Rabbitt cage I made from 1/4 in wire attached to the side of the potting shed. The roof was made from plastic roofing panels , cut to lenght and screwed together. There was ONE are where they weren`t screwed to each other , and a big `coon got on the roof and fell through...trapping himself in the cage with the poor chicks.
This happened on the FIRST night I left them outside.
Funny you mention the elec. fence , as I was JUST looking at it on the Tractor Supply web site.
I`m in the process of re-using a 10X8 resin shed and making it into a night time coop and adding a large run(10X20 or more), made of 1X1 wire on the upper areas , and 1/4in wire on all lower parts incl. a couple of feet out from it, for the daytime. I don`t like them being locked up all day and night...but do want them safe. It doesn`t sound like the coons are going anywhere anytime soon.