How many chances do you give a hatchery ?? When is it enough??

I have ordered from Ideal a few times now and always very happy with them. I also got a bunch of d'uccle straight run and only got TWO roos out of the bunch the rest were girls
I got very lucky! Good luck with your order and hope everything turns out well.
I'm very big on customer service as a whole. I hate the fact that it seems like a lot of big businesses take a slide on that end to save money. Personally, I'd say that I'd give Ideal MAX one more order, and if they don't have it perfect down pat without a hitch.. go elsewhere. That depends of course on why you chose Ideal in the first place. If they're closest, or cheapest, it would be worth another attempt. If they aren't either, why not go with someone else instead?

I ordered from McMurray and I was totally satisfied, even though -I- made a mistake and had to call to correct my internet order. They were awesome and very helpful, especially since I was a first time chick-orderer AND trying to split my order with someone else. It was very confusing for me, so it must have been for them.

It all depends on how annoyed you are. You shouldn't order again unless there's a seriously good reason for you to. Otherwise, try someone else... you might like them better.
I have not ordered from them, but I do get their sale emails. I always end up ordering from Meyer because nobody can ever beat their price. I just got a box of 32 from them this morning actually, they spent two days in the mail and all are alive and well running around the brooder and eating and drinking.....

I used to be a straight run only person because I don't care for the methods that some of the larger hatcheries use to dispose of the leftovers. Now I order what I want because I noticed that if you order straight run layers they always mostly male and when you order stright run broilers they are almost all female.
I ordered from two at one time because I want to start my own little flock of Buff Orps and my husband has this thing about White chickens so I ordered him his own little White Rock flock starters( if he is happy then I get to do what I want
). I needed males and female who are not related. The Hoover order was available right away but not for Ideal(theirs were not going to be ready until the end of the month). I picked both of them because of location and pricing plus others here had stated the purchased from them. I am in Tennessee so sort of in the middle of the two. I did speak with Ideal yesterday and she was very nice and offered to send another batch of Bantams but said it was in the card companies hands about the money issue :mad:. So we will wait and see what happens with the chicks that I was told would be here today and are not so, I am guessing tomorrow they will be here. So for right now I think I am putting them on a list for hatcheries towards the bottom because I can not afford to lose money from being overcharged or charged twice. Lesson learned the hard way
oh boy I hate money screw ups...especially in their favor..LOL

I have ordered from McMurry with no problem.

I don't raise my own got too big and I am super fortunate to have a hatchery local. So now I buy 16 week old pullets for replacement birds in the coop.

I hope all the financials get straightened out. Have you checked your local sales paper. Tons of chicks here in a paper called the IWANNA.....if you have something like that you don't have to deal with chicks that are stressed from shipping.

best of luck to you
My experience with Ideal was pretty similar. I ordered 9 chicks and paid with my ATM card. I'll never do that again. They ended up charging me twice. The second one caused my account to be overdrawn and I had $70 in overdraft fees. Of course when I called them they said they'd correct it. It took days... and my bank would not do anything about it until Ideal took care of it. Ideal never offered me anything for my trouble. I had to fight with the bank to give me back the $70 in overdraft charges. Ideal never offered to pay them either. Never even apoligized for the mistake.
OMG!!! I'm so sorry! That is horrible. I would call them ASAP. How many did you order? I had ordered 9 and didn't get any males, but they all made it. Those poor chicks.
oh that is just horrible. I am sorry you are going thru this mess. just grates on one's nerves, plus the poor chicks!

again, any chance you have a local supplier, or the local paper with farms selling chicks. far easier way to receive them, but of course, if you want certain breeds it makes it harder.

hang in there.....


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