How many chickens do you have, and what are their names if they have names?

Most we've had were 75
25 RIRs
Now as we are older we had started with 11 BLK AUS and cut down to 4 hens and referred to as birds, no name.
We have named some and called some by their band color lol

Warden- black Australorp
Orange band- ba
Mama- borpington
Bianca- light Brahma
PhotoBomber - LB
HeyHey- EE (and acts like Moanas HeyHey lol)
Dreamcicle - ee
Missy - ee
GreyBeard- ee
Beardie- oe
BJ (beardie jr) oe
BJJ (Beardie jr jr) or
Beardless oe
Gimpy oe

Then we have 7 buff Brahmas that don't have names and a 🐓 buff Brahma rooster-
Hey, y'all! I think it would be fun to find out how many chickens everybody has and what are their names. oo and the breed
I have 11 chickens,

Joey - Easter egger
Nala - Easter egger
Martha - Easter egger
Daisy - Easter egger
Summer - Easter egger
Rose - Easter egger
Red - Rhode island red
Bingo - Carolina red Orpington
Goldie - Carolina red Orpington
Midnight - Black sex link
Darth Vader - Black sex link
I have 26 chickens currently. I may have gone a bit overboard with the spreadsheet.......................the spreadsheet

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