How many coloured eggs did you get today?

One of our Ameraucana pullets laid her fourth egg today! It was so tiny, even smaller than any of her first three! It’s our first time having pullets. The first hens we had were older and already laying big eggs. I’m really enjoying looking at these tiny eggs!
got our very first olive egg last excited

got our very first olive egg last excited

I got the first egg from a baby we hatched last spring. with the bloom it was perfectly blue. This is after I washed it and I realized that not only it was green but it also had speckles. Could it be a mix between the Welsummer and the Ameraucana (my roos)?
I'm very excited...
View attachment 4043158

I got the first egg from a baby we hatched last spring. with the bloom it was perfectly blue. This is after I washed it and I realized that not only it was green but it also had speckles. Could it be a mix between the Welsummer and the Ameraucana (my roos)?
I'm very excited...
Congratulations! We've been getting 2 olive, 1 slightly bluish, and 1 pinkish colored eggs recently. All have been tiny, like what you have pictured, so hoping that they eventually increases in size with age.
I'm obsessed with my two new marans' egg colors. Millie Bob and Plumette are the winners of the darkest shell award. But I like the pastels too.

My 18 hens include: marans, olive eggers, prairie bluebell, EEs, buckeye, wyandotte, New Hampshire red, and sicilian buttercup. I don't think the welsummer or the leghorn are laying right now.


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I'm obsessed with my two new marans' egg colors. Millie Bob and Plumette are the winners of the darkest shell award. But I like the pastels too.

My 18 hens include: marans, olive eggers, prairie bluebell, EEs, buckeye, wyandotte, New Hampshire red, and sicilian buttercup. I don't think the welsummer or the leghorn are laying right now.View attachment 4043754
Where did you buy the hens?

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