How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Three good eggs and one brittle shell egg that the yolk was eaten out of. Someone got some extra protein today! LOL

Two eggs were nice enough to stash in the fridge. I ate the third one with more of the older stashed eggs for lunch.

And in 11 more days I can quit adding to the daily count for the year. Not gonna do it next year. So far this year the girls have given me 1715 eggs. Good girls!
That’s too bad Chrissy, are they older? Or just not laying as it’s winter so you think?

I guess so long they are healthy then it does not matter no egg, I guess you are in winter season, hence that the reason they don't lay.
You could try to feed them a bit of can sardine see how that goes. I used to give my chickens a bit of can/tin sardine here and there, their eggs got really big so I stopped.
My ladies are getting up there, they're all between 6 and 8 years old now. They've always been super good about laying through the winter, so I guess I can't fuss too much that they decided to take this year off. 😏
First Banty egg in a while! It wasn’t there last night when I shut the coop at dark, and it was good and cold this morning. I hadn’t figured on any Banty eggs til Spring, but I’ve been giving extra protein lately because they seem to be molting.
This little beauty is from Jade.


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Thanks! She’s a Splash Marans. I think splash is such a beautiful feather pattern, and I love her feathered feet :)
Yes I enjoy the spotty colour pattern also. I have a few spotty ladies. And feathered feet? Lovely!

Where did you get her? It’s so difficult to get any specialty chooks up here. Peavey Mart (think TSC) brings chicks up from Hoovers Hatchery, but they don’t have the full selection that Hoovers offers.

I do have a few cute Buif Orps and a Lavender Orp. I bought one of their hybrid Midnight Majesty Marans - closest I could get a Marans. But Shirley turned out to be Shorty! He’s a gorgeous specimen of Roosterhood and I bet well over 10lbs. And he showed his Barred Rock heritage and feathered legs ♥️

I was really hoping for some darker eggs.

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