How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5 eggs yesterday!:wee
I did do the egg dance.
My young pullet is investigating the nestbox, her face and comb are so red, I think she is getting the feel of her super power...poop breakfast.
She is an offspring of Isa Brown X Isa Brown, so beautifully, calm, gentle and confidence. We no longer have a rooster in our flock so I will try to support her with her first egg process.
Non of the older hens have supportive nature, I feel quite sad about this. I used to have 2 older hens that are very kind to the young ones, support them in their first egg laying experience by standing right next to them. The rooster helped find a nice spot to lay egg in.

From my experience, that adding more chickens in an existing flock does cause conflict and no support.
michael cohen GIF
Your horses and chickens are so lucky having fans on hot day.
Some of my chickens prefer to sleep on the top of their coop, the coop is inside a metal wired enclosure.
I have the coop wide open during the day with all windows as well, but it is so hot and their feather is so big and thick.
I think most livestock can handle the cold better than the heat. Unless it’s extremely cold that is.

I provide supplemental heat for my chooks and they all take turns warming up. Then it’s back to digging up the horses’ stalls 😊

I found 4 eggs behind a round bale this morning- they weren’t frozen and cracked so I think they are fine. Not sure how long they were there but I am sure if they were there during the real cold they would have froze and cracked. The water in the horses pails freezes up by morning when it’s really

Other than those I got 17 eggs today.

It’s now official I have the fridge full!

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