How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Six today! New record! Still waiting on one more pullet to start laying.


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Beautiful hens and the cleanest coop!
Thank you!

The hen house isn't that clean! It's just new - we converted a shed in September, and the floor is bedding 6" deep and about 30% full of dusty poops doing their thing, but it doesn't smell. The poop boards sand is cleaned every day but the roosts (I painted black enamel on purpose) and edges (which I didn't paint bc I didn't realize how much they'd LOVE the edges) are stained a bit. The edges of the nests are dirty from poopy feet and need a scrub!

AND THE DUST is unreal on every little surface.

I went up in the little alcoves in the ceiling part of the shed to cut some more ventilation yesterday and I left the clothes in the garage after I was done up there, absolutely COVERED in dust.

It's been almost 6 months so I need to do a full clean with taking out the bedding/replacing with new and giving the shed a blow out with the blower or something lol

It stays open to the elements every day, a big people-sized door, the hens use that for entry even though we made a side pop door as well (which is where they prefer to exit in the mornings) because we will be building a run soon (for vacation days!)

OH I found a pic of the inside better; but it still looks clean I dunno LOL


I think it's dirty but I clean up their poops every day, stinky girls!! lololol

They love that little side table for laying too, but ONLY the lower nest, the top one is too exposed I think. But 5 nests is plenty for 17.

Oh 10 eggs yesterday, ate 1 scrambled egg in grits for dinner -- because we have a rooster now, it was fertilized, my first one I ever ate.

I don't even really like or eat eggs very much, I wanted chickens because I wanted chickens. I love seeing the beautiful colors of eggs, and I did NOT anticipate how like little dogs they are. The smarter ones know their names, they are super affectionate and curious and sweet. Seriously lovely in every way to be around.

Earning the trust of animals is just one of life's most rewarding things.

To be fair, it isn't a very difficult thing - look at all the people who manage it whether they deserve the animal's trust or not is another matter - but still it is a rewarding and lovely thing <3
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