How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Can anyone spot the weirdo? Lol he is back at it today I'm not sure why he's doing this, I guess he is enjoying the girls company idk 😶 overlook my coop it's been muddy and nasty outside for a week or so and we got around 3-4 inches of rain yesterday it's been a nightmare trying to keep it clean with all the weather.
It is so sweet seeing chickens crowded up like that. What are they up to? Something must be very interesting, I want to know too 😄
Can anyone spot the weirdo? Lol he is back at it today I'm not sure why he's doing this, I guess he is enjoying the girls company idk 😶 overlook my coop it's been muddy and nasty outside for a week or so and we got around 3-4 inches of rain yesterday it's been a nightmare trying to keep it clean with all the weather.
Is that the rooster? On the left?
It is so sweet seeing chickens crowded up like that. What are they up to? Something must be very interesting, I want to know too 😄
I had two hens in the nest box, one hen climbing on top of them and that silly rooster sitting waiting his turn 😂 the little EE hen she is so finicky bless her heart she finally wedged herself in there somehow and laid. I have 6 nesting boxes and they will literally fight over their favorite one and it so happens to be all the girls favorite box lol
Went from around 3-4 eggs a day, to collecting a total of 7 eggs today.
Whoa, it's getting serious in here now!

I had two hens in the nest box, one hen climbing on top of them and that silly rooster sitting waiting his turn 😂 the little EE hen she is so finicky bless her heart she finally wedged herself in there somehow and laid. I have 6 nesting boxes and they will literally fight over their favorite one and it so happens to be all the girls favorite box lol
Mine do that! I have ten nest boxes and I'll find 6 eggs in one nest, four in another and 2 in a third.
I had two hens in the nest box, one hen climbing on top of them and that silly rooster sitting waiting his turn 😂 the little EE hen she is so finicky bless her heart she finally wedged herself in there somehow and laid. I have 6 nesting boxes and they will literally fight over their favorite one and it so happens to be all the girls favorite box lol
That is the excitement of the day for them, it my turn now, ... 😄
I bet the rooster does not know, but it is so exciting that everyone wants it, he wants it too..
3 eggs yesterday.
I witnessed something yesterday that might be dominance or ...?
My pullet was flat down on the ground, 1 of her wings slightly stretch out and 2 big hens stood closed and looked at her. 1 big hen seemingly about to peck at the laying down pullet, I screamed NO, the 2 big hens ran off.

I wonder if the 2 hens want to teach the pullet the pecking order or that was simply bullying behaviour. If I see it again today I will just watch a bit longer to see what next.

My pullet is a confidence and happy kid, she just started laying egg this month. I do not want her to tail down and all nervous up.

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