How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2 today, from Juillet and Juin.

As expected Juillet had an egg to lay in the morning… I just didn’t expect her to lay it while I was treating her for bumblefoot! She has been very sweet and still while I soak her foot morning and night, but it’s crazy to me that she would put up with it when an egg was imminent. She held it in until soak time was up, and when I lifted her out of the bowl and onto the towel she immediately popped it out! 😆
6 eggs from 7 laying at the moment.

I have 9 mature hens: 2 broody, 7 laying.

Also have 12 pullets that are 14 weeks, not laying yet. And 4 pullets that are around 8 weeks old, also not laying yet.

One of the eggs I got today was larger than normal. The middle one pictured is a fake egg that I use to get them to not only use one of their boxes. The one on the bottom of the screen is the big one and the one on the top is a normal one.


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