How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Two this morning before work. With normal shells! Yay!!
And a Banty egg this evening.


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8 Thursday, 6 Friday and Saturday, 9 today.
My flock dynamics have changed recently with Bruce stepping up to the plate and doing the rooster thing. The girls he grew up with are now able to mingle with the older ladies because he puts a stop to the bullying. I feel bad because he seems to be a bit overzealous at times. He chased the 2 RIR away from the main flock and I had to give them their treats separately yesterday. Granted, they happen to be quite overbearing but I was outside with them at the time and they were nowhere near the others. I'm afraid that this might have lead to what I'm afraid is today's tragedy. Hubby went to do evening chicken count and we were 1 chicken short. My heart in my throat, we grab the flashlights and went around the property, checked the bushes, raised beds, still no Mean Red. I know that unless something happens, she'd at least stay in the vicinity of the coop. She's not a porch chicken named Emma.
Anyway, my husband pointed out to me that he did tell me about the big pile of feathers on the front lawn. Dufus that I was, I told him about
Bruce's recent antics and he told me that this seemed to be a bit excessive for that but if it were so, we'd have bald chickens soon.
And then we were one chicken short. I'm still hoping she'll turn up tomorrow and then I can just scold her a bit then spoil her with extra meal worms and she can sit on my lap like she usually does but I have this nagging feeling that I'll never see my girl again.
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chicken feathers on the lawn
Any sign of her this morning?
I found 5 eggs in the nest this morning, and that's 5 out of 5 hens. I had to cull one of my hens a few days ago. She was dealing with waterbelly, wasn't laying eggs and was acting pretty normal so I had planned to just let her remain a part of the flock. But when she started aggressively picking feathers from her sisters and eating them I decided she had to go.

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