How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Mine are in their first adult molt now, too, they hatched in March. Weird timing in winter, isn't it? I've been feeding them salmon and sardines for extra protein, it seems to be helping (and they love it).
None of my 2024 year pullets are moulting, but all my older hens and old Mr P my Roo, are in various stages of moulting. I have never had them moult mid winter!

It’s good though in the aspect that they are taking a break from laying.
Mine are in their first adult molt now, too, they hatched in March. Weird timing in winter, isn't it? I've been feeding them salmon and sardines for extra protein, it seems to be helping (and they love it).
I love sardines on my homemade bread toasted ♥️ Sorry chooks!
12 Friday and 11 yesterday :wee

Honestly, it's too much and yes I do love donating 6 dozen eggs to the local food bank every week, we just don't need so many dingydarn eggs.

Was considering reducing my flock to a manageable #

I have 17 laying pullets and its too many tbh
It’s nice you can donate eggs to the food bank. Here one cannot do this, eggs would need to be inspected and graded before sending out to the public. I just sell mine.

I can sell eggs from my place no problem, but not at a farmers market or other public place.
I heard today that, due to AI (avian influenza, not artificial intelligence, lol), tens of millions of laying hens have been euthanized across the nation, and in some places the cost of eggs has gone up to $10 / doz.!!! So hang on to your chickens, I think people will buy those eggs.

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