How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My third 14 egg day in a row!!

So, MUCH to my massive surprise, I'm roaming Lowe's and my phone rings at 2pm and its the post office! My chicks arrived!! In the middle of the day!!! Was amazed!

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I ordered only six and they sent me TWO EXTRA :O :O :O

So, 3 Black Copper Marans
3 Ayam Ketawa
2 Vorwerk

Oh man guys guys guys, I put them in the brooder with the ducklings and it was the last thing I expected but the ducklings, who are easily twice their size (though these chicks are not day old, they have feathers starting on their wings) were TERRIFIED of the chicks.. omg, the poor things.

The chicks were braw and healthy and brave and found the heat and the food and the water and were zooming all over and man those poor little ducklings whole world of the quiet brooder got destroyed lol

I was super worried, but my much chiller and calmer husband said "just give them a few, they will calm down" and a couple hours later, we check in and sure enough, all is well. :love :love :love

I did not have my phone with me! I'm sure more pics will be forthcoming.

I have nothing but GLOWING praise for Greenfire Farms - wow, the box was SO much better than the other hatchery I ordered from last year.
Adorable ♥️ Are they pullets?
I was expecting them this morning - we aren't far from north Florida but man, that was literally 18 hours and they were at my Post Office!

They are all straight run HAHAHHAHA so it will be fun to find out if we got 8 Cockerels bwahahah

Luckily, we have a bachelor pad AND we are have plans to move our current bachelors (2 Cockerels, Sarge and George) to the back end of our property (acres and acres and acres away from where our main flock ranges) and let any and all Cockerels we get free range back there, getting a timed pop door for the tractor we are moving down there.
Wonderful ♥️ And answered my question if they were pullets 🥰

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