How to know if chicks are internally pipping?

I've slowly chipped away a very tiny hole but I have never done this before so I'm so worried. I see the part right under the that the membrane? Dampened it no veins, very clear. Stuck it back in the Bator. What do I do now? Did not see the beak. Worried I didn't open it where the chick is.
Aww. Okay. Next one. Your taking the shell off where the air cell is and dampening the membrane to see whats going on.

Sorry for the late replies. Im doing chicken wire outside......
Were these shipped eggs?

Also. Please remember that this is all experience for your next hatch. Using a quality incubator will help a lot. Also, you are learning. A heartbreaking way to do it but you will know better each time.
They were our own. Our rooster disappeared so I frantically grabbed all the eggs I could and incubated them. I'll try to post a picture of this one.
Black like it's daddy. He was a barred rock.


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