How to tell if male or female guinea


11 Years
May 9, 2009
Central Kansas
We have 6 guineas that are 4 months old. They make sounds anywhere from faint peeping noises, to gentle squawks to sounds that make you think that something is terrorizing them. I have read that the females make a 2-syllable noise and the males a 1-syllable noise. Which noise that they make is the one this refers to?
The female makes a noise that sounds like "buck wheat" when she makes it. You'll know the female when you hear it, believe me. She's very loud. The female though, also makes the male noise of "chi" Listen very carefully and you'll be able to tell the difference! Good luck!

BTW, I love listening to my females. I tell my husband that our females remind me of our old dryer when the belt was getting worn out on it. LOL

I think I know what you mean now.
There's one that's REALLY REALLY annoying with her two syllable call - whenever she feels like it which is most of the time. So that's a female huh. Are the females usually louder than the males? Do the males make a one syllable sound that's just as loud and annoying as that female make her "buckwheat" noise?
Yes when frightened, annoyed, agitated, excited or for no reason at all they can both make a very loud chi chi chi noise. The hens in addition to making a noise when agitated go around with the rather loud Buckwheat noise, as a sound of their contentment with life. So you cant win they just make a racket.

In all honesty when I had a larger flock they really werent to bad most of the time. There was the general argument as they went to the roost bu beyond that it was not annoying.

I had to get rid of all my guineas due to coop issues but frankly I miss the cranky little noise making machines.
I have more than 6, but I will catch them at first by the waddle size and place them in my processing pen (generally 6 per pen). Then I go by the sound to help isolate hens to return to the main coup (I like eggs). So far I have been about 99% accurate on the waddle technique and just backing that up with the calls. Good luck
Do the females have smaller or larger waddles? I have noticed that one of them has particularly long earlobey things on either side of it's beak. They really are a different shape than the others have.
cocks will generally have the larger waddles. The kids and I just caught 7 more today for the processing pens. Now for the overnight watering only and listen to the calls.
I have 6 guinees they arent even 2 mths yet and ive seen 5 chirp the "buck wheat" sound the other one just chi-chi-chi they are really kool birds i luv them i hatched um out of my incubater i hope i have 5 girls and one male what should i get to put on them so i can tell the males from females ive heard of the things u put around there legs but i dont no what should i do
I have 6 guinees they arent even 2 mths yet and ive seen 5 chirp the "buck wheat" sound the other one just chi-chi-chi they are really kool birds i luv them i hatched um out of my incubater i hope i have 5 girls and one male what should i get to put on them so i can tell the males from females ive heard of the things u put around there legs but i dont no what should i do

I wouldn't worry about putting anything on them, As they become older the differences become more obvious (especially if you spend time observing them) and you wont have any trouble telling which ones are male and which are female.

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