So Hurricane Helene came through our town in SC. Destroyed alot, including flipping my 1000 pound chicken coop while my chickens were in their sleeping/nesting area. Luckily it wasnt TERRIBLY damaged. But it Killed 2, trapped 1, and flung the other 2 out. Leaving them vulnerable for the next few hours. The 3 survivors were not harmed much if at all. But I'm POSITIVE it was very traumatizing. Now, they'll go in the run at night (they're free range during the day). They'll even go in the nesting area to lay eggs. But they will NOT stay in the nesting area. It's now getting down into the low 30s at night. Lower soon. Im afraid they would rather freeze to death instead of going into their heated nesting box now because it was so traumatizing. What should I do? I love my chickens and my whole family is upset enough about losing 2. What can I do?? PLEASE HELP!!!