i’ve never seen poop like this


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
my eight-year-old welsh harlequin named cookie has been off her game the past couple of months she perks up a bit when I give her bcomplex and poultry cell
she walks around and eats, but she lays down by herself a lot more than she ever used to. There’s a thread about her somewhere but right now I just want to know if anyone is ever seen a poop like this and what could it mean? just yesterday I had to put down one of my favorite runner ducks who prolapsed grossly and then was chased around by chickens who shredded it up and pulled it out further she was too far gone. I’m hoping that cookie is not about to have a prolapse too. I think I’d be pretty devastated . I can’t take her to the vet yet waiting on a miracle. I wonder if an antibiotic would help ? I have in my possession, baytril, and Tylan 200 . ??
i also wonder if i should give her calcium gluconate again. i gave her a few doses a couple weeks ago because her tail was pumping a little . and she holds her tail down
@Wyorp Rock
thanks Patty
i’m going to start her on the Baytril
i have this and want to use it in her water but idk if it will interact badly with the Baytril?
I have always heard to use the probiotic after using antibiotics to replenish the good bacteria that the antibiotic killed off along with the bad. I am not sure about this since I haven't ever even seen it before
If it would be good to use along with the Baytril. You might be able to contact the company and ask though.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your Duck.

This one, I'm not sure what's going on with the poop. I don't have Ducks, but if it were a chicken, I'd suspect some type of infection.
I think you are going down the right path with giving the Baytril.

I agree with @Miss Lydia usually, probiotics are given after the course of antibiotics.

She's a pretty Duck, I hope she gets better.
I have always heard to use the probiotic after using antibiotics to replenish the good bacteria that the antibiotic killed off along with the bad. I am not sure about this since I haven't ever even seen it before
If it would be good to use along with the Baytril. You might be able to contact the company and ask though.
you are so right. The only time I ever took probiotics along with antibiotics was when the dentist prescribed a really strong antibiotic and told me to take a probiotic or eat a yogurt in between each antibiotic, but not together..
Poppy is back on oxine ah nebulizer treatment and I decided to give her a syringe full of the 911 today just to boost her up and help her fight off leftover aspergillosis.

I estimate a duck drinks at least 8 ounces of water a day, and the 911 says 1 teaspoon per gallon, so I divided by 16 , Which would be 1/16 of a teaspoon in one ML of water, so that’s how much I gave her.

cookie seems to be responding well to the Baytril , praise the Lord.

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