I got my Little Giant!! Advice please!

you need to get it up to temp befor you put eggs in then you have to wait for anywhere between 4-24 hours after you put the eggs in to get the temp back up , and you dont adjust it to get it up . the eggs are cooler then the bator and it drops the temp till the eggs get up to temp with the bator if you keep adjusting it to get it to go up if you have cool eggs once they reach temp the temp will most likely spike on you.
I ran my bator till it was about 100 give or take and stayed that way for a few hours or more befor I added room temp eggs and it took awhile for it to get back up to 100 I didnt touch the knob at all it did it on its own.
Also when I got my LG and plugged it in I read the directions first =P
I turned the knob all the way up like my instuctions said then did about 2 adjust ments down and I have been about 100 scince then. And I am on day 7 with my eggs I think . Oh and it will go up a degree durning the day when its warmer and down a degree at night when its cooler , as LG are senstive to the temp of the room there are in , I dont bother it as long as its only a degree or so one way or the other it always comes back to where it should be.
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Best advice I can give is throw the thermometer away that came with it and go spend a few bucks on a nice digital combo ( temp and humidity) that will save you a lot of heart ache and eggs.
Oh no I'm not adding the actual eggs for awhile. I wont even be getting my eggs until later this week. So as of now they are just eggs from the fridge.

I do have a digital hydro-thermo. So far its reading the same as the one it came with.

Oops! I didnt remember that part of the instructions! It said to set it to the highest setting first? I'm just worried about exploding the egg in my brand new bator before the fertile ones even get here!

So I should just set it to the highest setting and then go backwards?
It says turn it fully clockwise... I took that to mean as far as it would go . I did that and it heated up once it got to about 105 I bumped it down just a tiny bit< that knob is senstive> and it went down to about 101 as soon as it hit 101 I touched the knob just enough to make the light go off and it soon settled into a 100-100.9 pattern it would go down to about 100 then back up to just under 101 .
If I were you I would regulate the temp without eggs in it store bought or otherwise , once its at the temp you want and stay there pretty much for at least 6 hours and some say you should do a whole 24 hours then youre ready to put youre eggs in , just remmber that will make it seem to drop temp but you dont need to adjust the knob at all it will come back up .
The thing I found with my LG is that it will go up or down a little bit and then go back but if it goes up or down alittle and I try to fix it it just makes it worse.

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