I HATE pullet eggs!!

Some great ideas here....since you have them packaged in 18 egg cartons, I'd just sell them that way, 18 for the price of 12 'regular' sized eggs, and let folks know the girls are just 'warming up!'
I've never had comments (or noticed myself) about pullets eggs having a high incidence of blood spots...is that common?
And the 'reduced cholsterol' promo is a great one!
or whole eggs, shell and all in,the blender and bake them in a baking dish with wild bird seed. Makes a cool treat for your girls and the wont even know they helped make it.
Sure, lots of us do. The extra protein is great. You can even scramble the shells in with them.
Mmmmmm. Eggs. I wish you lived near me. I'd take some of 'em off your hands. I can handle blood spots

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