I need advice, neighbor problems...

I would talk to the parent's first.
I would not want to start anymosity if it is not needed.
If that doesn't work, then I would call the cops.
Hi Jenna, welcome back, sorry you don't really have chickens anymore. We still have 6 of the 8 you sold us.
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Not only would I call animal control, I would probably call CPS. The 18 year old is being used a guardian for the younger children, and is obviously not up to the task. It shouldn't be her responsibility either, she is their sibling, not their parent.....JMHO

Talk with parents.


Talk with legal authorities.


Talk with neighbor's landlord about "liability" issues.


Talk with the local BOE. There are certain guidelines that must be adhered to for homeschooling children. I'm not sure if an 18 year old sibling is qualified to handle educating three young kids. Helping the the younger kids with their classes, tutoring them, etc., fine...but it appears she has that entire responsibility. ???


Remember this, the parents sound "nice" BUT...they've turned over their parenting responsibilities to an 18 year old who is in an overload situation. Being as they're "new" neighbors, who knows how long the teenager has had this responsibility? I would imagine that an 18 year old in this teenager's position is under a lot of stress herself and probably feeling a little trapped and used/abused. She may have an attitude and be the "face" of the family that you deal with but don't be deceived into thinking she's running the show...her nice, smiling parents are the one's in control and they should take 95% of the responsibility here (I leave her 5% for her snottiness). Just another angle to look at it from...don't forget to talk to the landlord.

Wishing you a speedy ending to this situation,
mom'sfolly :

Not only would I call animal control, I would probably call CPS. The 18 year old is being used a guardian for the younger children, and is obviously not up to the task. It shouldn't be her responsibility either, she is their sibling, not their parent.....JMHO

This was my thought! An 18 year old sibling homeschooling?!?!?! Say what? This whole situation sounds problematic to me. I am trying to imagine any 18 year old being left full responsibility for her siblings all day every day AND be responsible for teaching them as well???​
Ummm, you do not need to have that to homeschool, and besides, its no ones business what they do, unless actual abuse has been observed in person.
We have no idea why they are needing to do things this way right now.
This is about the dogs.
I would never mess with their personal lives like that, unless I had actual proof.

It is very common place for older siblings to teach younger ones in a home school setting. And yes, they generally thrive doing so.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

mom'sfolly :

Not only would I call animal control, I would probably call CPS. The 18 year old is being used a guardian for the younger children, and is obviously not up to the task. It shouldn't be her responsibility either, she is their sibling, not their parent.....JMHO

This was my thought! An 18 year old sibling homeschooling?!?!?! Say what? This whole situation sounds problematic to me. I am trying to imagine any 18 year old being left full responsibility for her siblings all day every day AND be responsible for teaching them as well???​

I would never call CPS on something like this! Not knowing the family very well, and just making assumptions like that, can really mess up that family.
I pray we never have neighbors that feel they can make off the wall judgement calls like this

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