I need to know why you can't feed this food


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I am feeding something called Black Rooster as a scratch (only). It says on the tag "For Mature Birds, not in production".

I need to know why you can't feed it to birds that are producing. Is it somehow dangerous to be passed onto the eggs? My hens are laying. TIA

Here is the ingredients and breakdown of nutrients:

For mature birds not in production.
Crude Protein, min......................................................................13.00%
Crude Fat, min..............................................................................3.00%
Crude Fiber, max..........................................................................8.00%
Calcium (Ca), min........................................................................0.25%
Calcium (Ca), max........................................................................0.75%
Phosphorus (P), min.....................................................................0.25%
Salt, NaCl, min.............................................................................0.10%
Salt, NaCl, max.............................................................................0.60%
Vitamin A, min....................................................................2000 IU/Lb.
Corn, Grain Sorghum, Oats, Wheat, Wheat Middlings, Dehydrated Alfalfa
Meal, Dried Whey, Dried Skimmed Milk, Casein, Yeast Culture, Fish
Meal, Cane Molasses, Animal Fat, Calcium Carbonate, Defluorinated
Phosphate, Vitamin A Supplement, D-Activated Animal Sterol (Source of
Vitamin D3), Vitamin E Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate, Niacin,
Vitamin B12, Riboflavin Supplement, Choline Chloride, Manganese
Sulfate, Iron Oxide, Zinc Oxide, Ferrous Carbonate, Ferrous Sulfate,
Copper Oxide, Magnesium Iodide, Cobalt Carbonate, Zinc Sulfate, DAlphatocoporal
Acetate, Soybean Meal, Wheat Bran, Rice Mill By-
Product, Vitamin A Palmitate, Popcorn, Salt and Black Oil Sunflower.
Natural and artificial flavors added.
I wondered about both the calcium content and the protein %, but I'm only using it as a scratch. The hens all have layer feed in their coops and oyster shell in a seperate feeder.
Is there an 800 number on the tag that you could call on Monday to ask?

Ok, googled and got this: http://bigvfeeds.com/images/E0184101/3GameBirdFeeds.pdf

have a lot of feed - and I am thinking they have this "feed" for non production birds like Roosters - course I could be wrong............found no number, but your question here was #2 in google

Big V feeds - no 800 number but they do have a number under contacts: http://bigvfeeds.com/
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I got much the same thing on a BING search.

Gonna keep feeding it as a scratch until someone tells me different.
I think that it is intended for your older birds that have stopped laying and no longer need the calcium or protein. I would compare it to the food that is sold for old dogs or cats, where the nutrition requirements change due to changes in various hormones and body chemistry.
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agree w/ sonew: for treats/scratch, it should be perfectly ok, but not as their main nutrition source. As long as they have unlimited access to a feed w/ higher protein & calcium and the Black Rooster is treat/scratch supplemental, it should be just fine. :)
Numpty. I thought you were talking about it as broody food, lol. As chicken "crack"? Yep, go for it! My ding-dong brain didn't fully process the info.
So, what else is new?

BTW, my chickens are enjoying a watermelon today!

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