I need to vent

Good grief that sounds awful.
Hope you get some joy when you talk to a real person.
My part of the world tends to be way overly intrusive particularly on land and property issues, but I must say all I did was call the town and ask ‘am I allowed to keep chickens’ and they said ‘sure’.
Welcome to BYC.
Thank you all for your well wishes and encouragement. Just wanted to stop by to say good morning before I call zoning to see if I can get this thing straightened out. ill let ya know in an up date tonight. I would say ya'll have a ducky day, wrong forum LOL. So instead enjoy your day and keep on clucking.
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

I saw you found your state thread as I was hoping you’d find someone else that’s gone through this.

Good luck and let us know when you’ve got chickens!
Ya me too I'm going to try and find out if I can access a list of other BYC permitees, just to keep track as to what's going on locally.
Good afternoon TO ALL.
Up date on my permitting application.

I was able to get through to someone in zoning "Roger" who was extremely helpful and patient even though I had to call him back a second time. He clarified the naming of the document pages for me and after having to log off and log back on several times to completly clear the files uploaded' I was able to start over again this time I was successful in making it all the way through the process. The system is extremely picky and you have to down load all files, at one time precisely other wise it jams up giving you stupid little window box's saying no can't do that forcing you to once again start over to clear the system.

I also found out that only 17-18 permits have been issued in orange county and several dozens were ether denied or people gave up trying to apply. Gee I wonder why they gave up.

I also learned the few that did get permits, their name and addresses are part of the public record and I am going to try to get that info and contact them to see if we can band together to be an organized group.

So todays mission was a success so far, it will be about a week till I hear back as to whether I get my permit or not. ill keep ya posted.

Stay clucky ya'll
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