I Opened The egg. (Coturnix Quail) 4 days late incubating. Help!

Here is an example of the eggcells. But why are a few of my chicks dying and exploding so far along in their growing? They're almost filling up the whole egg. And I saw somewhere that the size of the egg cell shows growth in the egg but
I'm not sure. View attachment 1160187 View attachment 1160188

Did you see the veins in the ones that exploded or did they just look dark? They exploded because bacteria contaminated the egg and built up til pressure became too much for the shell...

Are the eggs shipped or local? Shipped eggs air cells can get messed up in shipping, and that causes them to look weird...
Did you see the veins in the ones that exploded or did they just look dark? They exploded because bacteria contaminated the egg and built up til pressure became too much for the shell...

Are the eggs shipped or local? Shipped eggs air cells can get messed up in shipping, and that causes them to look weird...
The eggs are shipped. This has a chick in it and no fluids are coming out


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There is no chick in there, that is green rot... sniff each egg, if it stinks then get rid of those...
Green rot!!!!! What!!?? O my gosh. I believe half are rotting or infertile but I didn't have the heart to throw them out. I was hoping they were ok but I moved the bad ones away from the good ones. I'm taking care of the bad ones RIGHT NOW. Is it bad for the other chicks to have stinky ones in there

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