I Opened The egg. (Coturnix Quail) 4 days late incubating. Help!

But did it Rot because there was a dead chick? The infertile ones haven't rotted

They rotted because bacteria got inside the egg, whether there was an embryo or not makes no difference to bacteria...

It's lockdown for some of them but should I get rid of the other ones and inspect them all right now

Get all the bad ones out, asap... having them explode can contaminate good ones and make them go bad as well...
But did it Rot because there was a dead chick? The infertile ones haven't rotted

Yes, it rotted because the embryo died, or because it was infected with bacteria. Good eggs do not rot, stink, split open, or explode. And yes, it is bad to leaving stinking eggs in the incubator, because those are rotting too, and very well could explode onto the other eggs if not removed and disposed of.
How many eggs did you have left after taking out the bad ones? Have any hatched for you yet?

Shipped eggs are hard to hatch - you should only expect maybe 50% to hatch, and even that is considered good luck, so don't beat yourself up too much about the ones that died or never started to grow, shipping is hard on eggs and the embryos were probably damaged in shipping.

It's much easier to start with local eggs, especially your first couple of times when you're getting the hang of things. If this hatch doesn't work out for you, I suggest practicing a couple times with local eggs before you try shipped eggs again.

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