I think my sweet boy lost an eye


Nov 1, 2021
So I have 4 khaki Campbell's 2 females and 2 drakes..yesterday I noticed the 2 boys fighting and didn't really think too much of it but this morning I noticed one of my boys eyes is injured. It's closed and crusted over and when trying to get a better look I can't see his actual eye ball. I'm worried ot was poked out or something 😫 so now I have him and one of the girls separated from the other 2. I don't have access to a vet..what can I do???
2021-11-01 (1)_LI.jpg

Just here: above the text, it says attach files.
Flush out the eye with saline and remove the pus and crust. Apply Terramycin eye ointment to the eye.
His eye may be intact underneath there - time will tell, but the eye needs to be cleaned and pus removed a couple of times a day to help prevent infection.

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