I thought I had a sex link rooster and 7 hens, turns out I have two roosters and 6 hens.

That's a rooster for sure. I think the hatchery accidentally gave you a rooster of a different breed. I'm not sure exactly what he is though. Someone else can probably give you a better answer.
Did you order direct from the hatchery or purchase from a farm/retail store that had sourced the birds? If the former, what hatchery (this can help narrow the list of possible breeds)? What did the chick look like when you got it?
We got them at a local feed/seed store, but they were sourced from Ideal Poultry. All the chicks looked alike with the exception of the "barred" sex link that was/is definitely a rooster.
All my black sex links vary somewhat. Most are black/blue with some red feathering on the neck and breast. One is black with silver/grey laced neck feathers with a small non-existent comb. One hen has a longer floppy comb. I am starting to think I got a bunch of mutts?
All my black sex links vary somewhat. Most are black/blue with some red feathering on the neck and breast. One is black with silver/grey laced neck feathers with a small non-existent comb. One hen has a longer floppy comb. I am starting to think I got a bunch of mutts?

Well, BSL are, by definition, mixed breed birds - so the appearance is not uniform, but they generally do all have some fairly similar traits, especially when sourced from one source as each hatchery tends to have their own preferred parent breeds used to create the mixed chicks.
It might help if you were to post photos of all the birds and that way we can help you ID everyone.

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