Idea for dealing with political & armageddon threads

You can say that again, seminole! already did!

LOL Thats great!
I do think it is good that BYC mods allow people to have open and civil conversations regarding politics. And, I agree that a separate section for politics would be a great idea, if server space allows. That way, they are not mixed in with other threads, and we can decide whether we want to read them or not.

Yur darn tootin. I don't read what I don't like. I don't stay and whine to the mods about it. I wish others would feel the same way. They must have been tattle tailers in grade school
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You guys are great sports! I agree with the sperate section. It'll also make it easier for the mods to keep track of the ones getting out of hand.
I agree on the seperate section!

If there's no room for a section, Maybe a couple threads dedicated to Current Events in the Non-Chicken world?? One for politics, and one for the economy, etc.

As long as everybody is "playing nice" I don't see the need to limit pages/posts, etc. When/if it turns into repeated personal attacks on a specific person or group, THEN shut it down, warn the individual, or whatever steps the mods feel necessary to continue the Group Harmony of the Board

Part of the American Way is allowing everyone to express their opinion, and RESPECT their right to have a differing opinion than your own.

At times like these, it's interesting to see and interact with people who have a different viewpoint than I do. Sometimes I learn something in the process too!
Maybe a 'Hot Topics' forum for guns, religion, alcohol, and politics.

I like reading everyones posts. I feel like this is a good forum to get a read on how rural America really feels about things, and I find it very interesting.
...and you know by tattling on your friends, you're really just tattling on yourself. By tattling on your friends, you're just telling them that you're a tattletale. Now is that the tale you want to tell? (movie quote)

...and on a side note, I'd much rather have a separate section for chicken poop than politics. Politics I can handle, reading about poop every 30th post I'd rather avoid...
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How about just agreeing as a community not to go there and locking anything that gets started on one of those topics?

Debating about religion and politics is banned in most workplaces for a reason. It creates barriers and divisions, rather than building community. Why should here be any different? As far as I can tell from posts he's made, Nifty wants us to build community and make new members feel safe and welcome. Reading a ton of threads where members argue with one another isn't the best way to make this place look safe and welcoming. Yes, most of the political threads start out nice, but they ALWAYS go downhill after the first few pages. Suggesting an automatic lock feature just shows that there is the assumption that these threads are going to be locked anyway, eventually. What a pain and a waste of server space.

There are plenty of other places to go on the internet where you can argue and campaign... Blogs are one example.

I'm also kind of getting tired of the little religious things that get slipped in to threads (I'm talking links and scripture quotes, NOT personal sigs, those are a personal identity thing and not part of the conversation!) other than threads specifically asking for prayer. I'm Christian, but I don't want to join someone else's denomination and I don't need to be preached to on a chicken board. Also, I don't feel the need to shove my religion on someone else that doesn't practice it (not all Christians are pushy).

This is, of course, just my personal opinion.
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How about just agreeing as a community not to go there and locking anything that gets started on one of those topics?

It creates barriers and divisions, rather than building community.

I agree -- lock political or over-the-top religious threads within 2-3 posts.

It's all about the unity!​

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