If a goose could vote what would they vote for.

I so love everyone's responses. Here I'm still trying to figure it out. I did so much to make there winter days better. Increasing there night stall size. They voted no. instead of enjoying 2 open stalls of 20x16 feet each with full access to both I find them every morning all in just one of the pens. So far all I figured out is they are the flock party. So happy they are a flock of 39 for the winter months.


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I so love everyone's responses. Here I'm still trying to figure it out. I did so much to make there winter days better. Increasing there night stall size. They voted no. instead of enjoying 2 open stalls of 20x16 feet each with full access to both I find them every morning all in just one of the pens. So far all I figured out is they are the flock party. So happy they are a flock of 39 for the winter months.
I think they took a vote to drive their keeper crazy 🤪 So you are saying it will be useless to build that additional shelter I've been meaning to?!
I think they took a vote to drive their keeper crazy 🤪 So you are saying it will be useless to build that additional shelter I've been meaning to?!
Its so funny before I opened up the 4 stalls and made them 2 larger ones they all broke off into groups at night into 4 different sleeping areas. As soon as I changed it they ganged up to protect one as all of theirs and for the first time this year after introducing the new babies to the flock, there 1 big bonded flock.

My guess is if you build them the new shelter they will do fine if they all go together.

Life is never boring when you have geese in it. So glad you got yours back!!!! there beautiful.
mine didn’t like peas for 3 years but i kept offering them when i was giving them to the ducks and finally they started to like them and now they love them lol
I’ve started with the ducks but it’s slow progress. Truffle tried them and loved them, he convinced Sunbeam and now Bee is getting used to them, but so far with the geese it’s just been a peck now and then, but they’re more curious.

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