If this is any indicator of how the rest of my day will go...


Positively Ducky
11 Years
Oct 2, 2008
I just saw out the front window of my shop a woman pull over her car so a kid (around 10-12) could barf all over my sidewalk!!!!

Now I have to try and not puke while cleaning up someone else's freaking MESS!!!!!
Did you see her license plate number?

That's why I used to keep plastic shopping bags in the car - just in case a kid got car sick. I don't have to worry about that anymore.

So, how do you clean up barf on the sidewalk? Do you have access to a hose? Maybe sprinkle it with kitty litter? I feel for you. bleah
Aww that so sucks foryou I am soo sorry , I hope thats the bottom of youre day and it goes up from there,

Maybe the kid was really sick and they just didnt think, there were times when My son was sick that I really didnt care if someone was offended by us because I was worried , he was littler but there were times I certianly wasnt gonna leave himi alone in a car or room or whatever to clean up something.

I am sorry though I would be upset if that happend to me as well.
No kidding Jody! LOL

I used the hose....and stood as far back as possible. I had a good breakfast and didn't want it to be wasted
I'd rather be the one hosing the puke off of the sidewalk then having to take care of a sick kid

I was grocery shopping last year when all of a sudden my 10yr old son pukes all over the soda aisle. He wasn't sick when we left the house. I felt so bad for my son. He was so embarrassed

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