illegal to buy light bulbs...



Oh this thread is getting funny... As I was reading I got thinking........

.....No wonder Government can not get anything done, and when they do get something done it is so discombobulated, watered down and ineffective it just causes more problems than the problem did....

Think... The debates.... the different opinions...the different directions....That just this little thread about light bulbs goes.

Now imaging US (BYC'rs) being the congress... Would we really do better?????????????

Q9 You are a young fella, why not get involved in politics?...Take action! Make a difference!!!!! GO GO GO... Be the president in 2032!!!

Yes there is much wrong with government... BUT most folks in government started out with and still have good intentions... It is just about impossible to make every one happy with every thing...

My second thought is... It is human nature to resist change.... And comfortable Americans are really really good at resisting change... So much so it is putting us in the back seat of the technology race in so so many sectors including Auto's....

THIS upsets me deeply...

My search on the internet reveals the following articles/sites regarding flourescent lighting as a migraine trigger:

While my neurologist might argue in favor of what we are debating here, we all know that won't happen in reality...he did, however, write me a note for work, stating:
"Lilly XXXXXXX has been under my care...should wear sun glasses in flourescent light exposure."

I have tried the cfl bulbs, they DO give me migraines. It's easy for those that don't suffer from migraines to dismiss those of us that do. Trust me, when I tell you that going through the process of trying to figure out my triggers was no picnic. I found that eating a certain (ok, excessive) amount of chocolate will give me one. No soy products for me. Oh, and when I get migraines, the pain is horrendous and I sometimes get to the point of vomitting. I can't even leave work if that's where I am, because I am unable to drive at that point.
I DON'T need a scientific study to tell me what my triggers are. What I DO need is a scientific study to tell me why!

Now, as far as trying to compensate for my use of incandescent bulbs, I don't leave lights on unneccesarily, I don't turn lights on at all during the day unless I'm getting ready for work & that's only in my bedroom. My bathroom and kitchen have good-sized skylights, so lights are never on in the daylight in those rooms. All my mini-blinds are opened during the day to take advantage of the natural light. On the sunny side of the house the drapes & blinds are closed to keep the heat out during the summer. My drapes are lined & help keep out the heat as well. All of my appliances (except the fridge & freezer) are connected to strip outlets that are turned off when not in use. Those that arent on strip outlets are unplugged from the wall. Same goes for the computer. I wash dishes more often than not; the dishwasher gets used maybe twice per month & is set to wash in the middle of the night when rates/usage is lower. My A/C is set at 83 during the hottest parts of the year. If it wasn't for the humidity, I probably wouldn't use it at all except when I am sleeping. During the cooler parts of the year, the A/C is off and the windows are opened (& I'm on my allergy medication). It is very rare that I use heat in the winter; when I do, it is an energy-efficient radiator-type heater that is only on long enough to warm up the bathroom. I like to think I do my part.
I will, however, fight any legislation, tooth & nail, that comes up to phase out incandescent bulbs!
I can vouch for this happening. It happened to me, not the exact same thing. I was on my laptop in the living room with a clear view all the way to the kitchen. My fiance was sitting on the couch. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flickering so I look up. The kitchen light is flickering, I say honey something isn't right with that light in the kitchen. We had recently switched out all of our bulbs for cfls as we got them from some energy saving thing that our state does called empower ny. So they were all free, great right? Not so much he goes out there and the light is shooting flames out of the base. So he instead of being smart and flipping the switch, I guess it is a gut reaction, unscrews the bulb and burns his finger in the process. There is actually a fingerprint singed into the base of the bulb. This was installed correctly in the correct type of fixture. We did some research and called the company and they said oh, well we will send you some new bulbs. ????????? Yeah right like we want more of your crap. Empower ny was more concerned and sent us some more bulbs from a new company that they use now. This was just a couple months ago. I still use cfls as I need to lower my energy bill somehow. I don't use globe lights or the other brand that I had that cought fire it was a bulb made by niagara conservation. I try to stick to the name brand cfls like phillips or ge. At least its made by a company that I have heard of before and I trust them a little.

As for my coop light I found a cfl that can be used in temperatures down to -20` f. I also found myself a timer that can be used with cfls (some timers contain dimmers). I use my light just to give them artificial daylight not to heat if I needed to heat one itty bitty light wouldn't heat my coop as it is way to big. I don't plan on heating my coop anyway because of the possibility of power outages. My chickies need to get used to the cold.
Sadly, an honest person cannot be elected to the Presidency. Do you think any large amount of people would vote for a guy who said, "I promise to do everything within my power to dramatically downsize government, lower taxes, end unnecessary wars, and afterwards do as little as humanly possible?"
Sadly, an honest person cannot be elected to the Presidency. Do you think any large amount of people would vote for a guy who said, "I promise to do everything within my power to dramatically downsize government, lower taxes, end unnecessary wars, and afterwards do as little as humanly possible?"

Well I would
Sadly, an honest person cannot be elected to the Presidency. Do you think any large amount of people would vote for a guy who said, "I promise to do everything within my power to dramatically downsize government, lower taxes, end unnecessary wars, and afterwards do as little as humanly possible?"

Well I would

I know SOME people would, but most? They want the president to DO something, even if he's actually supposed to serve primarily as a figurehead. Even many conservatives and so-called libertarians want an activist president.

It's funny, but the presidents who are ranked as the "best" in polls are like a who's who of presidents I despise - Lincoln, FDR, Teddy, Wilson, all those guys. Jefferson is my personal favorite, but I'm beginning to be impressed with Van Buren. I bet $10 that most Americans won't recognize HIS name!
Jimmy Van Buren, right? No, was Dave! Dave Van Buren!

No, that's not right either.....


FWIW, you could probably have guessed that I'm an FDR fan.. I don't believe everyone should necessarily like everything he did -- especially in retrospect, since we modern-age people have always had things like child labor laws, overtime pay, electricity (for hillbilly people like mine
), and all the other stuff that FDR's administration accomplished -- but what I find most interesting to ponder is where we might be today, as a nation, had we elected someone who proposed to do "as little as humanly possible" in November of 1932.


I won't argue against the point that there's a time when it's a President's job to not screw things up, but instead to just apply a little grease to the cogs and pulleys of a strong economic machine as needed.. As it happened, though, 1932 just wasn't one of those times.. Some folks would disagree, I'm sure, but...well...all's well that ends well, and that particular era began what was almost certainly the fastest rise to power of any nation in the history of this planet. It was during and after FDR that The United States of America became "The Greatest Nation on Earth."

What I personally think history will show is that 2008 was another period in American history where a do-nothing President simply wasn't an option.

That's just me, though.
I would like to see that report. Sounds like a load to me. Ive worked more wrecks in my life than I care to count. Older, bigger an heavier cars hold up better in a crash but the people in them dont. Besides the 1972 suburban an the 2002 suburban are the same size. So are the 1972 VW an the 2010 VW.

If you crash the new suburban in to the new bug both have a better chance of the passengers walking away than if you did the same in the 1970s. An gas mileage is down in both those examples not up by the way. As are the mileage in most cars of equal size.

If you want a big truck, Kenworth is pumping them out every day. If ya want a small high MPG car SmartCar is pumping them out every day. You have every opportunity to buy an drive ether.

You can also go buy a restored 69 Dodge charger for the same price as a new Dodge charger If you really think there safer.

I'm in the car insurance industry. I've looked at plenty of totaled out cars. Fortunately the injured and dead people have already been cut out of themThey e-mailed us a video put out by Chevrolet in 2009 showing a 1959 and a 2009 Impala doing an offset head on collision at 45 mph. The 59 was fully restored so it wasn't a rust bucket.

The engine in the 59 ended up part way in to the passenger compartment. The 2009 transferred all the impact through the w/s pillar in to the roof and the rocker and then in to the quarter panels. The passenger compartment on the 59 was demolished. The 2009 was virtually intact. They said that the driver in the 59 would have died on impact. The 2009 driver would have broken his knees on the knee bolster.

The newer cars are designed much better than the older cars. Funny you should mention the different Chargers. The new ones get twice the mileage and have about 1.5 times as many horsepower. They are a lot safer and it is all due to that obnoxious government setting standards that the industry can meet. I'm glad the gov sticks their noses in to some things. The industry would not have done it on their own.
We wouldn't need a so called Nanny State govt if people weren't so wasteful. Legislating the use of CFL's was only necessary because the incandescent's are so much cheaper. Therefore people were blind to the huge savings involved with the use of CFL's. People need to wake up. Even if you think global warming is a fairy tale. The scarcity of fossil fuels is not a fairy tale. We need to do everything we can to save fuel. A bi product of that would be a cleaner environment.

I was around for 3 Mile Island and Chernobyl. There are thousands in Eastern Europe that are suffering from radiation poisoning and birth defects caused by that. I think we have better technology now. Nuclear Power now would be ok if it is very tightly controlled by the NRA as in the Nuclear Regulatory Agency. Nuclear power is one place we can't afford deregulation.

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