
It was another roo.

My house is literally an island right now. Its kinda scarey how much water webhave right now.
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This was a picture my son sent me just before I got home. It got even worse.
I had to hop clear the sewer drains along the curb with a shovel when I got home around 6pm yesterday. Our street was flooded thanks to grass clippings and leaves that washed into the street and then clogged the drains.
@homeschoolin momma
Wow! You got a lot of rain. Our backyard is flooded with some areas of standing water, but nothing close to the house. I put some buckets in the chicken run to collect drips, so this time there are a few places which still have dry sand.

Poor Taj. You did a good job cleaning him up. I hope it heals well. For easy maintenance cleaning, I found that plain saline mist works well. (human nasal spray.) We had to flush out our former dog's eyes several times a day after a skunk incident. He hated it. That's when our vet taught us the trick.

@Justso A while back I picked up your old chick tractor. It worked great for a while but didn't make it through last winter. DS helped me disassemble it in spring. We kept some of the parts. Our other chicken tractor is also falling apart. Every time we move it, we must go back and pick up pieces of broken, rotting wood. SO we are now reassembling a new one using pieces from the former 2.

I got all the wood measured & cut (It came from stuff we had here as well as some donations from a neighbor.) I want to paint it before assembly to make it last a little longer. I don't have any indoor space to work since my garage has 3 brooders and a rooster cage in it. I set up a painting tarp outside , washed the wood, and then it rained, so I had to bring it all back inside. I set up everything again yesterday morning & got it primed, then I had to pull it all back in again.

The good news is the only cost so far was about $25 for a roll of hardware cloth and $10 on misc. hardware. The bad news is that my back screened room looks like this:

I'll keep you posted on the progress of my new re-incarnated chicken tractor. I hope to finish soon b/c I'll need to set up my little heated winter coop for the "useless chickens" soon.
Millie's comb/wattles have changed a lot this past week. I think she may be laying - but not sure.
Millie (taken this morning)

Tillie (taken this morning)

Mystery of today:
I know the egg on the right is a Leghorn egg, but I do not know whose. Could the left egg also be from a Leghorn? (Would be Millie's 1st egg)


I think the right egg is Tillie's (my Leghorn hen who has yet to miss a day since end of September 2018). But, if it's Millie's egg, then today is the 1st day Tillie skipped in almost a year.

Could the left egg also be from a Leghorn? It has a touch of color. Because of color & location found, I'm thinking it's a large serama egg..... but a quirky new layer could also explain why I found it hidden behind a feeder.

Another explanation is that Millie is laying her eggs next door. She keeps escaping under the fence to hunt for bugs in the neighbor's brush area. Perhaps she's leaving him presents. (We had a similar problem with Tillie last fall. She kept leaving her eggs in our storage area.)

Remember this?:

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