I'm so old I Remember when:

Thanks. I got so many compliments bc of you. They made me continuously happy. :wee

I used bird netting in the past and songbirds got caught in it.

Now I just harvest the blueberries before I let the chickens out to free range.

On top of the run I use stronger netting : the ones they sell to cage predator birds and cat netting for balconies.
Its more expensive but a 100 times better. Still okay after 10 years. Just do not use it near the ground if you have rats. Rats bite through netting for predator birds 🦅 . The cat netting I have is enforced with a thin metal thread 🧵. But I didnt dare to use it from 50 cm height like I did with the 🦅 netting.
I have had a few bird caught over the years in the netting, we found most of them in time, but lost one or two. Usually they find their way inside the netting requiring us to fight to set them free. The bigger issue we have is that snakes get caught, I’m a big fan of snakes, and die. We’ve lost quite a few black snakes this way.
I’ve been wanting to upgrade to a much more robust and longer term netting, just can’t seem to pull the trigger on it for some reason.

On top of the run I use stronger netting : the ones they sell to cage predator birds and cat netting for balconies.
Its more expensive but a 100 times better. Still okay after 10 years.
Do you have links or brand names I can look up? All I've ever found is the cheap plastic, and it is a mess in very short order. Thanks!
Do you have links or brand names I can look up? All I've ever found is the cheap plastic, and it is a mess in very short order. Thanks!
Well, I usually buy seed from Gurney’s and they have a really robust netting ( I’m going off of the catalog) which I keep looking at. It’s listed as Premium Bird Netting and runs anywhere from $50.00 to $130.00 depending on size. Item numbers are 3944,3945,2982,4635. Hope this helps.

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