I'm so old I Remember when:

It makes me sad in this world we glamorize evil.

Once 9-year-old me found out I could watch anything on youtube, I ended up watching a lot of kids who went unhinged. It led to me being a jerk to everyone who crossed my path. I now advise anyone who has children to NOT let them on the youtube, except for actually good content.

Most of Tom Scott's "Things You Might Not Know" series is pretty family friendly and I highly recommend them.
Did your parents not enable parental controls or monitor what you were watching?
I'm old enough to believe saying "duh" to another person is rude ... unless it's a sibling or a very close friend. And then only if there are no parents or teachers around to hear it. 🤐 But that just might be me and the way I was raised. 🤷🏼‍♀️
49 here and had an awesome time in that era. The best of everything especially the music
True. Very true

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