I'm so old I Remember when:

Mickey Dolenz is the only one of the Monkees still alive. He was my favorite.

There was a song titled, "Randy Scouse Git," that Mickey wrote. The title doesn't appear in the lyrics at all.

It's a phrase from an English sit com titled, "Till Death Do Us Part." "All in the Family" was modeled on it. In the English version, the Archie-ish character would call the Mike-ish character a "randy scouse git."

The Monkees were wildly popular in England at the time, and they insisted that that song have a different title, as it was not a very nice thing to say. (Keep in mind, this is the 1960s.) They thought the Monkees were too squeaky clean to have a song by that title. So over in England, that song is "Alternate Title."
Mickey Dolenz is the only one of the Monkees still alive. He was my favorite.

There was a song titled, "Randy Scouse Git," that Mickey wrote. The title doesn't appear in the lyrics at all.

It's a phrase from an English sit com titled, "Till Death Do Us Part." "All in the Family" was modeled on it. In the English version, the Archie-ish character would call the Mike-ish character a "randy scouse git."

The Monkees were wildly popular in England at the time, and they insisted that that song have a different title, as it was not a very nice thing to say. (Keep in mind, this is the 1960s.) They thought the Monkees were too squeaky clean to have a song by that title. So over in England, that song is "Alternate Title."
Mickey Dolenz was a real actor, from the time he was a little boy. He stared in a TV show called "Circus Boy". (I think). He lived with his uncle on the show and took care of the elephants, The uncle was a clown, if I remember correctly. I don't know if anyone remembers it, please correct me if I have something wrong.
Mickey Dolenz was a real actor, from the time he was a little boy. He stared in a TV show called "Circus Boy". (I think). He lived with his uncle on the show and took care of the elephants, The uncle was a clown, if I remember correctly. I don't know if anyone remembers it, please correct me if I have something wrong.
Mickey Dolenz

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