I'm so old I Remember when:

Remember before Disney got all Woke?
I think Safeway still exists, I’ve heard my aunt who lives in California talk about it.
Yes, definitely. The only national grocery chain we have up here on the California North Coast is Safeway.

The others are independents: North Coast Co-op, Wildberries, Murphy's (a small 5-store local chain) and Eureka Natural. There was a Ray's Food Place but it didn't survive in my town, not enough people. There's still one down in Fortuna. And a few other small local places. But Safeway, thank goodness, has stores here in McKinleyville and south of us in Arcata and Eureka.

Our county seat/biggest city Eureka also has a Target and a Costco -- bright lights, big city! 😁 (population 26,441)
I read about a lot of folks who had outhouses but except for the deer camp I never had one. One summer though ('73), I helped my Dad install bathrooms in houses that had just gotten "city water". These were worker's cabins on a Sugar plantation between New Orleans and Baton Rouge (and all that that implies) and may have been using those outhouses for 200 years.
Dad was an electrician but work was slow and he was painting and plumbing on his BIL's place and I had just graduated (HS) in time to help out. One of the houses was an Acadian style house that was probably the "big house" a couple hundred years ago. It was hot and dirty work but the River was high and at night we would go 'froging' and run trot lines for catfish. Great chance to work with my hands, and my Dad.
No real story here, just a chance to reminisce. Thanks.
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Oh yes, fountain pens. And was there any other color than peacock blue, lol? Oh yes, black. My handwriting was a work of art back in those (high school) days! Now ... sometimes I can barely read it myself!
There were lots of colors (while the fad lasted) but I never got past the peacock blue. ☺️

I used to have nice handwriting (they taught cursive with a vengeance in the early grades!) but it was never as beautiful and legible as both my parents'. (They were born in the 1920s.)

Hours/years of frenzied college lecture note-taking destroyed it, followed by years of extensive note-taking in work meetings; even my printing's not great any more. I'm the only one who can decipher my grocery lists posted on the fridge, and even I can barely interpret some of my scribbles in my chicken and garden journals...🙄 Now, I can blame the arthritis swelling my right hand's "writing joints" but in truth my writing's no worse than before the arthritis stiffened things. 🤭

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