I'm so old I Remember when:

I'm so old I remember first graders going to school barefoot. I couldn't go that way but once I got to school those shoes came off. I only had one pair so I learned that if I left them at school I wouldn't have to wear them to school the next day. That got me in hot water with mom because she didn't want people to think we wear so poor that I didn't have shoes.
I remember starched shirts that were not very comfortable to wear to school at all.
Those were stiff.
I'm so old I remember first graders going to school barefoot. I couldn't go that way but once I got to school those shoes came off. I only had one pair so I learned that if I left them at school I wouldn't have to wear them to school the next day. That got me in hot water with mom because she didn't want people to think we wear so poor that I didn't have shoes.
There’s a lot of countries around the world where people still run barefoot.
I'm so old I remember when my mom used a sprinkle head fitted with a cork base that fit right into a 7up bottle. She used it to sprinkle water on shirts that she was ironing. Probably blue jeans too.
I remember that too. And indeed using the bottle. But I am not sure it was 7up. Brown glass. Beer maybe?
I remember my mom putting a bag of damp laundry in the fridge when she didn't have time to iron that day.

Huh. Three little kids, cooking, cleaning, I wonder why she didn't have time to iron?
I remember my mom doing this.

I remember having a dishwasher that you rolled over to the sink and attached it to the kitchen faucet with a hose.
I remember these too.
I also remember being the dishwasher. 😂

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