I'm so old I Remember when:

Try Kelvin instead.
0° Fahrenheit = really cold day; 100° Fahrenheit = really hot day.
0° Celsius = sort of cold day; 100° Celsius = dead.
0° Kelvin = dead; 100° Kelvin = dead.
I have so old wheat pennies I'm hoarding.
Hubby has a collection of those too.
DH one day said he wondered how I could type so fast and watch tv at the same time.
A friend of mine can type a magazine article he's writing and converse about something totally unrelated at the same time. He said that touch typing and speed reading have probably helped him get an extra 10 - 15 years' worth of work done over his lifetime.
I got fired from my job operating one of those because I listened in to some conversations.
I was in High School - it was a summer job.
Back in about the early 90s when I first got on the fire department I got a scanner and soon realized I could listen to home cordless phone conversations with it. I soon got a mobile one for mu truck and learned alot about my neighbors. It got bad when I told my dad, he wanted to take a ride practically every evening
Along with switchboards, I remember party lines. 4 or 5 houses hooked up to a single trunk line. Each house had its own ring tone. Wasn't sorry to see them go at all.

I learned touch typing also. Still use it. DH one day said he wondered how I could type so fast and watch tv at the same time.

As for remembering when, anybody old enough besides me to remember when JFK was assassinated? I was in the 5th grade and remember the school principle coming into the room and telling us that the president had just been killed. She was a tall, slender woman stern but kind with her hair in a bun and I remember she was crying.

So anybody old enough to remember the Cuban Missile Crisis?
JFK and the Cuban missile crisis was both before my time.
Elvis was my time but I was still to young to grasp what was going on.

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