I'm so old I Remember when:

Mister Donut, Winchell's, or Dairy Queen were places we visited once a year as a special treat. This was in Denver. Every other year we went to Lakeside Amusement Park, and the other years we visited Elitch Gardens instead. These were the highlights of our summers.
I am so old I remember when all television stopped at midnight.
Having KFC or McDonald were a treat every now and then.
I used to delivery newspaper for pocket money.
Mom gave us $2 pocket money a week and we love to watch the V tv series after school.

TV stations went to static at midnight all the way into the 1980s. That was part of the premise for the 1982 Steven Spielberg movie Poltergeist.


Remember when the KFC signs had rotating buckets?

I was born the day before Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. Obviously I was too young to remember that, but I wonder how many here remember where they were when that happened?

I totally remember. I was not quite 9.
We got TV maybe a couple of years before and it was still an event to watch it. I only ever watched with my parents.
We were in the UK and it was televised live.
It must have been in the middle of the night in the UK because I remember being woken up and being bundled up in my PJs and blankets and sitting on the floor to watch with my parents.
I still have the special news supplement from the UK newspaper marking the event.
I totally remember. I was not quite 9.
We got TV maybe a couple of years before and it was still an event to watch it. I only ever watched with my parents.
We were in the UK and it was televised live.
It must have been in the middle of the night in the UK because I remember being woken up and being bundled up in my PJs and blankets and sitting on the floor to watch with my parents.
I still have the special news supplement from the UK newspaper marking the event.
I still have my Dad's audio tape of the moon landing.
I’m so old, I remember when I cracked an egg and pantyhose fell out 😂
The voting machine was supposed to punch out the voter's choices. Unfortunately, it didn't punch them out cleanly, so some of the ballots had little bits of paper hanging in them instead of cleanly punched holes. These were called "hanging chads," and totally messed up the counts. The machines could not properly read the ballots, they could not tell what the vote was supposed to be because it could not tell if the chad was supposed to be punched out or not. I think the ballots were read by hand at least three times and delayed the vote by a couple of weeks. It was a disaster and had everyone in an uproar. That's how I remember it anyway. The Year of the Hanging Chads.
It doesn't help that a certain political party called a lot of their registered voters and told them that they might have voted for someone they didn't mean too. That alone had people in an uproar

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