I'm so old I Remember when:

I have played on one of the metal carousels (is that what they're called?) in a park on Lake Erie and in the old schoolyard of my former parish. I have not seen one since, but it was my favorite part of the playground equipment. Children today definitely do not know what they're missing out on!
The merry-go-round? I used to love those! Last time I jumped on one, I got motion sick, lol.
Remember when air was free and someone put it in the tire for you.
No purchase necessary.
The air is still free but you pay rent on the pump.... I wonder how many people think about who has to pay for the pump or it will go away. I think in the past gas stations made their money on oil changes and fuel. The mode of operation has completely changed. Now the real money is on snacks, the soda fountains, beer, and tobacco products.
I remember that Tiny Tim tried to do country and failed at it so he was trying pop. I just remember he was around tip toeing in the late 60's after I was well out of high school.
I am not old enough to remember the 1929 version but my Dad enjoyed it.
The 1929 version was from a Broadway musical. Nick Lucas.
A very different feel!
See it here - the credits take up a long time at the start.
The air is still free but you pay rent on the pump.... I wonder how many people think about who has to pay for the pump or it will go away. I think in the past gas stations made their money on oil changes and fuel. The mode of operation has completely changed. Now the real money is on snacks, the soda fountains, beer, and tobacco products.
As a previous manager of a gas station, I can tell you we made *nothing* off those pumps. These were installed and (never) maintained by a different company altogether.

Same with the ATM in the store.

The gas station didn't even own the fridges where the drinks were kept, not the racks for snacks. Those were supplied by the, uh, supplier.
When I started driving, there were gas stations attendants. They would automatically wash your windshield and rear window and air up your tires - for free of course. They were always such happy, friendly people also.

Pizza Fridays at school cost 50 cents; it included a pint of milk. Otherwise, I had to take my brown bag lunch.
I have played on one of the metal carousels (is that what they're called?) in a park on Lake Erie and in the old schoolyard of my former parish. I have not seen one since, but it was my favorite part of the playground equipment. Children today definitely do not know what they're missing out on!
I have a "former" that was pushing our little 3 year old on it. He had it going so hard I was yelling at him to stop. He kept it going thinking it was funny. I yelled she's going to flip off. Man, she went flying. He didn't think it was so funny then. Ugh

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