I'm so old I Remember when:

It is not safe now for kids to hang out like it used to.
Those carefree days.
I dunno. Is it really less safe or is it just that we get to hear all the awful things that happen?
Awful things have always happened but you only learned about it much later if at all.
I remember being interviewed by the police about some guy who we saw hanging around the playground. The fact that they interviewed me and my friends must have meant it was something serious. To this day I have no idea what they thought he did.
Does it still make that screeching and howling noise when you log on?
No noise at all, Pert. I open up my browser, click on BYC and before I can blink or breathe, there it is! Just like ... opening your eyes and there it is. No hesitation. No waiting. No delay. BAM!
I dunno. Is it really less safe or is it just that we get to hear all the awful things that happen?
Awful things have always happened but you only learned about it much later if at all.
I remember being interviewed by the police about some guy who we saw hanging around the playground. The fact that they interviewed me and my friends must have meant it was something serious. To this day I have no idea what they thought he did.
I've only seen a few crazies around here. First one was on drugs, walking along the big street here. Second one was trying to hitch a ride in cars near a school. All are easy to avoid since I can outride them.

I did once see a guy looking over his fence at me...
My sister’s teacher played a recording of the noise and the whole class was horrified.

I never used dial up, but I deal with old tech a lot. It's a hobby. I think they'd be horrified if I challenged them to watch YouTube on my Pentium 4 PC (Yes, you can. No, you shouldn't. Don't try it at home. Try it at a friend's house).

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