I'm so old I Remember when:

I'm so old I remember when you searched for something on the internet that is what came up instead of a hundred other things that didn't pertain to your search. Things not even related. Just span trying to get you to spend money on bling because someone wanted to make an easy buck.
Oh yeah, we’ll I’m so old I remember needing to use an actual paper phone book and an actual paper road atlas.:D
Speaking of scams: My brother was going to breed fish. He had a "business partner" who was a neighbor (I think they were both about 15?). He was doing all the work, the friend doing the finances. Somehow there was never enough money for supplies, and no profits.

Well, if fish won't do it, maybe breed rats for snake food...with the same partner. He could be trusted, you see.

Somehow they stayed friends.

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