I'm so old I Remember when:

Back in the day, the males version of aquanet lol. It was my gateway gel.
Back in the day, the males version of aquanet lol. It was my gateway gel. View attachment 4022150
It started out pink, but the guys wouldn't touch the stuff. My mom put so much in our hair that it hardened around those hard, plastic curlers we had to sleep in all Saturday night. We hated them, but we sure did like the pretty curls we ended up with for Sunday School the next day. My sister and I were ecstatic when the pink, spongy ones came out!
When I was in 6th grade, I had hair down to my waist. My sister had gotten a set of heated rollers for Christmas, the kind with all those spikes. She "set my hair," and almost couldn't get the rollers out, because my hair was tangled in the spikes. That was the last time she set my hair.

My hair didn't hold curl worth a hoot anyway. It might be curly in the morning, but by noon, it wasn't anymore.

I wanted curls... oh, my, I wanted curls. When I was in my mid-20s, I went to get a perm and said I wanted curls, but my hair didn't hold curl at all. (My hair was a bit below shoulder length then.) Did the stylist say, here are some pictures, what kind of curls are you thinking? No. She sat me down and put about 50-60 rods the size of her pinky finger in my hair. When it was done, she turned me around to face the mirror...

I looked like a poodle. :eek:I chopped it all off about 2 months later.

The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is about two weeks. The difference between a good perm and a bad perm is about two years.

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