I'm so old I Remember when:

I believe you can adjust it to set it to a higher temperature. But you don't want it scalding hot for safety reasons.
You can try raising the temperature setting.
We did, but it’s still warm, not hot. Or at least not hot for more than a minute or two. Oh well, just an incentive to take a really quick shower!
I thought that was only showers.
I can adjust my kitchen hot water using a screwdriver on a thermostat on the tank in the basement.
If you have separate hot and cold water knobs, I do not believe they have the ability to be auto temperature controlled. The faucet itself has the flow limiter built in.
It's for the children (I hate that sentence).
And the elderly. We have a regulator only on the shower/tub and it isn't standard, someone must have added it.

I had no idea it was there. A few years ago we started getting randomly hotter and colder water in the shower. Couldn't figure out what was wrong. 🤔

Finally I took apart the handle to see if that was somehow the problem and I discovered the regulator. It was old and slipping around. Replaced it and no more random water temps.
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