I'm so old I Remember when:

Omg the dust... the dust. You cannot understand the epic, Biblical levels of desert dust until you've lived in it. The humidity is so low nothing drops out of the air and the dust constantly circulates. It's everywhere and there's no controlling or escaping it.

We have HEPA air cleaners and humidifiers all over the house that run 24/7 plus filters on all the vent registers. You can dust and vacuum twice a day and still not keep up with the dust.

You can't have open surfaces anywhere. Everything has to be kept in cabinets and enclosed shelving units and bookcases with doors. Even then the dust gets inside.

Anything hung on the walls becomes instant dust-catchers: door frames, artwork, clocks, calendars, cabinet doors, baseboards, wainscoting, curtains, drapes, etc.

If you need a dish or pan you haven't used recently it has to be washed before you can use it. Clothes and shoes in closets have to be covered and protected as if they're expensive couture instead of just everyday wear items.

Dust on countertops. Dust on your computer. Dust on the coffee maker. Dust on the toilet tank. Dust on the window sills. Dust on the tv. Dust on your bed frame. Dust on the armoire. Dust on the treat jar. Dust dust dust dust dust dust dust.

It's in you, too. In your eyes, nose, mouth, throat, lungs. Some days are endless cycles of coughing and drinking water. Rain is your only hope of short relief. Then it's right back to the... dust.

There's the expense, too. Lots of cleaning products, replacement filters for the HEPA cleaners and humidifiers and the vacuum cleaner, distilled water for the humidifiers, boxes and boxes of eye drops, etc.

Gah. DUST.
Thank you for this post. Now I will tell my dust-hating family not to move to Arizona (they have been thinking about it).
Thank you for this post. Now I will tell my dust-hating family not to move to Arizona (they have been thinking about it).
Not to diss on AZ any worse but ... if you have dogs, google Valley Fever before you move there. I lost a beautiful 6-mo old Golden retriever pup to it when I lived there. It's in the dust/ dirt. 😢
Not to diss on AZ any worse but ... if you have dogs, google Valley Fever before you move there. I lost a beautiful 6-mo old Golden retriever pup to it when I lived there. It's in the dust/ dirt. 😢
Yep. One of ours has it. He is doing okay but he is on meds for life.

I'm so sorry you lost your puppy to it. 🫂
🤣 where did that cents symbol come from ? People under 40 likely aren't familiar with it . I recall 19.9 cents as a kid in an Opel station wagon. Dial you own octane at Sunoco stations. It was 49.9 when I started driving . White castle burger's were 10 cents or 10 for a dollar. Grocery store, chicken was .19 cents per pound, dozen eggs could be had for .39 -.49 cents. My first boa constrictor was 10 dollars. If I had a magic wand the population would be licking stamps and on a party line.🤣
I’d like to know why we keep allowing this 9/10 game to continue to be played with the gas pricing. Say gas is $3.49 9/10, every 10 gallons of gas makes another 9 cents for the supplier and saves you a penny while making you think your saving 10 cents. Small numbers for sure but when aggregated together this is a huge amount of money. I always chaff when someone would refer to $3.49 9/10 and call it $3.49 when it’s really 3.50. I was taught that you rounded up from 5.
I’d like to know why we keep allowing this 9/10 game to continue to be played with the gas pricing. Say gas is $3.49 9/10, every 10 gallons of gas makes another 9 cents for the supplier and saves you a penny while making you think your saving 10 cents. Small numbers for sure but when aggregated together this is a huge amount of money. I always chaff when someone would refer to $3.49 9/10 and call it $3.49 when it’s really 3.50. I was taught that you rounded up from 5.
I don’t even see it. Also with other ‘price points’ like $9.99 in stores. I always in my head see the rounded up number.
I actually think I read prices from right to left so I don’t get struck by the first number.
Isn't the 9/10 the tax? 🤔 Or something?
Yeah, it was a tax during the depression era when a penny was worth something. Now this 9/10 thing has really morphed into a marketing game where they, the suppliers, know you’ll ( the public in general) discount the 9/10th or round down rather than paying attention. It’s a psyche game just like the $.99 game. They know the public will be mentally lazy and see $.99 as cheaper than $1.00, which it technically is, BUT, that penny savings is really not relevant anymore.

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