Furthermore, think about this. The price per gallon of gas is the cost of the gas to the station, PLUS the stations markup (which is about 12 to 15 cents or somewhere about that range), PLUS the states tax which can be anywhere in the 30 to 60 cent range or more. So, if the state taxes are in the multiple of cents range where does this 9/10 tax even matter anymore?Yeah, it was a tax during the depression era when a penny was worth something. Now this 9/10 thing has really morphed into a marketing game where they, the suppliers, know you’ll ( the public in general) discount the 9/10th or round down rather than paying attention. It’s a psyche game just like the $.99 game. They know the public will be mentally lazy and see $.99 as cheaper than $1.00, which it technically is, BUT, that penny savings is really not relevant anymore.