I'm so old I Remember when:

I'm so old I remember living in the waning days of the Great Depression. One of those memories is how my dad would add a table spoon of water to a ketchup bottle that had some on the sides of the glass bottle it came in but wouldn't pour. He shake that bottle with the tablespoon of water until it would. Waste not Want not years.
I agree with all of you on this. If the manufacturers are going to quietly shrink the quantities while keeping the price the same I’m going to get every last molecule of product clinging to the inside of the container I can……and I may start counting the number……just to be sure.
Also, when using jarred pasta sauce, I'll put a couple of teaspoons of hot pasta water in the jar and shake it good to get the last of the sauce out.

I haven't found a good way to get gravy out of a jar other than scraping with a rubber spatula, though. Not watering that down.
Make gravy from scratch.
No jar. :)
Make gravy from scratch.
No jar. :)
Got that right! EVERYTHING from scratch, buy basic staples and make your own.:celebrateCheaper, with many more options available with what you do buy. Sort of like buying a rice cooker which cooks rice….and only rice while a saucepan with a lid can cook rice AND other things. Multitasking with ingredients and equipment is the only way to go……IMO
Got that right! EVERYTHING from scratch, buy basic staples and make your own.:celebrateCheaper, with many more options available with what you do buy. Sort of like buying a rice cooker which cooks rice….and only rice while a saucepan with a lid can cook rice AND other things. Multitasking with ingredients and equipment is the only way to go……IMO
I used to make mashed potatoes from scratch, too. Did you know the natives of South American tribes - I think it may have been the people in Chile but don't quote me - invented the process of making mashed potato flakes, stomping the liquid out of them and freeze-drying them for off-season use?

I do bake my own bread and have made my own butter and yogurt. Age and pain are making these a little more difficult, however. One does what one can.
I used to make mashed potatoes from scratch, too. Did you know the natives of South American tribes - I think it may have been the people in Chile but don't quote me - invented the process of making mashed potato flakes, stomping the liquid out of them and freeze-drying them for off-season use?

I do bake my own bread and have made my own butter and yogurt. Age and pain are making these a little more difficult, however. One does what one can.
Never knew that, Thank You. I never tried making butter or yogurt, sounds pretty hard core to me. I’ve always been a ‘ from scratch’ person myself and started a bit of an experiment to see how far removed I can make myself from the grocery store. With retirement I’ve stepped up the garden and preserving, and we now have the chickens for eggs, bake our own bread( haven’t bought bread in quite sometime) preserve our peas, beets,potatoes, sauerkraut, beans, apple sauce, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, garlic, peppers, etc. I get a kick out of seeing what were not paying at the grocery store. However, I still think our price per egg, at this point, is more than the bloated prices for a dozen of store bought. Umm, sounds like we may be heading toward being homesteaders.

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