I'm so old I Remember when:

No souvenirs, either. I kept paper airline tickets and train tickets and all kinds of tickets as souvenirs from trips.
I do that too, nothing for souvenirs now.

I blame Tom Cruise for all these technology nasties. Remember the first movie with touch screen way way before the touch screen phone?
The Minority Report movie, I remember thinking at the time when I watched that movie was...what a busy body Tom Cruise was standing there moving everything with his hands, swiping left and right, up and down. Must be so tiresome!

This was the movie that could have inspired the touch screen phone and everything
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I do that too, nothing for souvenirs now.

I blame Tom Cruise for all these technology nasties. Remember the first movie with touch screen way way before the touch screen phone?
The Minority Report movie, I remember thinking at the time when I watched that movie was...what a busy body Tom Cruise was standing there moving everything with his hands, swiping left and right, up and down. Must be so tiresome!

This was the movie that could have inspired the touch screen phone and everything
Nope. Set your phasers on stun, folks. It's Star Date Time!

The inspiration for all that modern technology wasn't Tom Cruise, it was Mr. Spock! Just watch an original Star Trek episode. Mr. Spock's console was the inspiration for touch-screen technology. Engineers (aka brilliant geeks and nerds!) were so fascinated by the "coolness" of The Enterprise's tech that they were determined to make it real. It took them awhile, but they succeeded ... and the touch-screen computer became a reality!

Years back, the Smithsonian hosted a traveling exhibition of Star Trek's role in jump-starting touch-screen tech. Then-and-now comparisons of the TV inspiration alongside the "modern" application of the concept were at once both utterly fascinating and completely disillusioning. The TV clips and stills showed the wonderous world of "The Future" while monitors, videos and real tech showed "The Now." (Well, "The Then," now, I guess.)

That was all wonderful ... until you got to the actual props used in the TV productions. It's a wonder what TV can do with plywood, cardboard, dark fabric and back-painted mirrors. Some of the show's more static consoles had Christmas lights behind them (colors and flashers.) When a light was needed "as pressed," there was a grip behind or under the box shining a pen-light.

It was really hard to take in! Still, the test of true fiction/fantasy is "The suspension of disbelief," and that's where I choose to keep Star Trek.

Live Long and Prosper.

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