I'm so old I Remember when:

Not if thats poor English for the subject. I just want to learn and use the right words. Not getting virtually spanked. :D

Swat seems fine in the modest way. Translate says it’s also used as in ‘crush an insect’. Not something I expect a teacher to do with a naughty pupil. :D
Don’t worry, I only speak English (I am fluent on both sides of the Atlantic) and I had never heard the word paddling until this discussion.
I would use spanking.
Corporal punishment was not allowed in the schools I attended. Somehow though many teachers managed to instill fear with a single glance!
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In my Jr high school school the most senior class (called 8-1 ) would make a fresh paddle in industrial arts class at the beginning of each new school year. It was traditionally the first project done in that class. I was in that class and I still remember drilling holes in it and we also used a wood burner to blacken the grain and sealed it with a colorless sealer. It was really cool looking. I got paddled in school but did deserve it. I ended up ok with corporal punishment, heck I had to go get my own switch from my parents and got it twice as hard if I tried bringing a brown one first
In my Jr high school school the most senior class (called 8-1 ) would make a fresh paddle in industrial arts class at the beginning of each new school year. It was traditionally the first project done in that class. I was in that class and I still remember drilling holes in it and we also used a wood burner to blacken the grain and sealed it with a colorless sealer. It was really cool looking. I got paddled in school but did deserve it. I ended up ok with corporal punishment, heck I had to go get my own switch from my parents and got it twice as hard if I tried bringing a brown one first
And here you are probably an upstanding, trustworthy individual……right?
Crazy English language. Some terms may be regional too.
The google translation of the Dutch ‘geslagen’ (in from the internet) used beaten for something less severe. I might have said hitting.
A beating implies severe hitting. Bruising, bleeding possibly concussion or broken bones.

A "spanking" is done more out of love. I would never "beat" a child. I did "pop" my child on the behind a couple times. A "pop" is more of a type of spanking. Spankings were often shortly followed by long talks and lots of hugs!

And until now I didn’t even knew the word paddling existed as a verb.
When used in reference to corporal punishment such as "The child recieved a paddling at school for bad behavior."
This means a couple "hits" on the buttocks with a wooden board (a paddle). Never hard enough to leave marks or bruises and not on bare skin.
The paddles were usually 16-18 inches long and about 4 inches wide.
I only knew the word paddle as a noun (object used for rowing).
This is true also.
"You row a boat with a paddle."

I hope I did not confuse you further! 🤣
I always knew to get busy with my chores!
Laundry, start dinner, homework..better look very busy when Dad got home.
Oh my Dad was a big softie. Him coming home was no threat at all.
My mother did not believe in corporal punishment but that didn’t mean she couldn’t impose discipline if needed.
I turned out OK even though I was never hit as a child.

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