I'm so old I Remember when:

A big old tree fell down in my yard and missed the main chicken coop by about ten feet. It must have happened last night, but I didn't think it was that windy...
So sorry - but glad your coop was spared! If the ground is saturated, it does not take too much of a gust to take down a heavy, old, unbalanced tree.
Gusts up to 45 till 6 pm. May cause power outages.
We had a mess like that a few days ago. I've still got debris strewn out back. Our lovely meteorologists (grumble, grumble, grumble) have predicted it again for tonight, possibly accompanied by our first genuine thunderstorm of the season. Old Man Winter isn't fooling me, though. I know that one lonely thunderstorm doesn't mean Spring's here, yet. The nasty bugger will be back with a vengeance in just a day or two!
I remember my first hurricane when I was 14. Hurricane Donna. 50 year old oaks fell like toothpicks. We went without power for two weeks. We had water and a gas range so we could warm food but we lost all that was in the fridge and it's freezer.
My first was Agnes - and I almost drowned because, once the storm passed, my Dumb-A friends and I thought we could cross our truly raging little stream using a dog chain strung between two power/telephone poles. And guess who was stupid enough to volunteer as the test-case? I can still see them running alongside the culvert, screaming as I bounced wildly downstream. I was very, VERY lucky that the stream widened out where it joined the creek. That slowed me down just enough so I could struggle to the bank. Nope, I'll stay far North (and South) of hurricanes, thank you very much!
I'm so old I remember the original "Battle of the Network Stars."

Looks nice!
Is the language Dutch or German?
The language here is Dutch (in English). We say we speak Nederlands in the Netherlands. 😄
The people in Germany speak German.
People in France speak French. Etc.

I don’t know why your English speaking ancestors say Dutch. They must have mixed things up somehow . Bc Germany/German is Deutschland /Deutsch in their own language.

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