I'm so old I Remember when:

Blasted ancestors :smack

As mentioned, there are still people who communicate wrongly about the Netherlands, thanks to the English ancestors.
Besides Dutch and German there are more mistakes from the past.

There are two provinces in tbe a west of the Netherlands that go by the name North and South Holland.
The name Holland is often used as a synonym for the Netherlands. But it only refers to 2 of the 12 provinces we have.
N&S Holland were the most important provinces for trade with the English. Rotterdam, Den Hague, Amsterdam, Delft, Gouda and Leiden are all old cities in Holland.
As mentioned, there are still people who communicate wrongly about the Netherlands, thanks to the English ancestors.
Besides Dutch and German there are more mistakes from the past.

There are two provinces in tbe a west of the Netherlands that go by the name North and South Holland.
The name Holland is often used as a synonym for the Netherlands. But it only refers to 2 of the 12 provinces we have.
N&S Holland were the most important provinces for trade with the English. Rotterdam, Den Hague, Amsterdam, Delft, Gouda and Leiden are all old cities in Holland.
Now I am going to dig into this. This is interesting!
I’ve only heard of Zeeland (which I believed was a made-up place), Utrecht, and Friesland (thought those were cities).

They did not teach us this in history class.
Zeeland is a very real province south of Holland with several islands. Not a fairytail. 🧚🏽😂 Most islands are connected to each other and protectected with dams to protect it against storms and flooding. One part is attached to Belgium.

Utrecht is a Province and also the name of the capital town of the province. Its a small province. The centre for Dutch traffic, roads and railways. Its also an old town with much history and a large University.

Friesland is a province in the North that has its own language. Friesland has many lakes and canals where people go on holliday for watersports. The Frysian chickens origins is located there.

Another strange language thing. The name Dutch bantams is Hollandse kriel in the Netherland. And we have a Hollands hoen, a beautiful but very different heritage breed too. Many chickens breeds have roots in the Netherlands. Like the Barnevelder and the beautiful new breed Schijndelaar, that lays green eggs.
Like to see some pictures of Dutch breeds ? : Its a pdf so unfortunately auto-translate wont work.
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I was the third kid.

My sister tried everything. If she didn't like it the first time, she tried it again, just in case she had done it wrong the first time.

My brother hung with the younger kids of my sister's crowd.

I stayed in my room and read.
I was the third in line, too. What I didn't learn from (and copy) my sister and brother, I made up. True of my own kids as well. The oldest put more than a few grey hairs on my head. #2 was - as my best friend's sister put it - "a little adult". #3 was dragged along with his older brother into many escapades and just independent enough to try new things as well. #4 watched, learned, copied every thing from each of her sibs and came up with a number of her own. When 3 & 4 got together, things got real interesting, such as the time they brought a bucket of small fish home and put them in the tub so their Husk- timber wolf could have the joy of fishing. He was big into catch and release.
I was the third in line, too. What I didn't learn from (and copy) my sister and brother, I made up. True of my own kids as well. The oldest put more than a few grey hairs on my head. #2 was - as my best friend's sister put it - "a little adult". #3 was dragged along with his older brother into many escapades and just independent enough to try new things as well. #4 watched, learned, copied every thing from each of her sibs and came up with a number of her own. When 3 & 4 got together, things got real interesting, such as the time they brought a bucket of small fish home and put them in the tub so their Husk- timber wolf could have the joy of fishing. He was big into catch and release.
I was the third if 3 and the only male so I got beat by my sister's being both my dad's only son and the youngest. They thought I was spoiled, I mean I was but still, not my problem

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