I'm so old I Remember when:

June 2022 trip. All taken by me unless otherwise stated.
Food in Olvera Street. I didn't take many photos there as I had been there a lot in the years before:
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Views from Griffith:
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Aquarium of the Pacific. Not sure if any of you went there. They added stuff on but it wasn't very interesting, the old part is still there though. Don't have photos of anything but the fish:
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looks like LA is still polluted.
I remember a time before Twitter.
I joined for business reasons.

I stopped using it when X took over and all the businesses I work for stopped too.


It becomes heavily toxic embedded with AI. The Matrix for real.
My quarters are saved for Aldi carts and spring water. We have a spring water company about 25 mins away that sells it for 25¢ a gallon. Much better than our crappy tap water, which has been testing high in all sorts of nasty things. The town has given us a notice once a month saying that the levels aren't dangerous in the short term but in the long term, could cause cancers
A woman that worked for/with me before I retired had the same issue with her municipal water. She paid outrages, and increasing, charges for water that was of questionable quality, always felt bad for her. I, on the other hand have great well water straight out of an aquifer that has a spring associated with it just a few miles up the road.Costs me nothing but a few bucks a year to run the well pump. Such are the benefits of living in the county.:clap
I remember .25¢( Thank You notabitail for teaching me how to find the cent sign) per gallon gas when I was in my teens. A buck would get you more than enough gas to cruise on a Saturday night.

Who remembers the first summer of COVID 2020
When gas went down to almost a dollar here in Mobile and $20 filled the car up and you actually got change back in your hand the paper kind and some coins

Flash forward to the end of fall 2021 and the same vehicle
you prepay $50 and while you are pumping the gas the nozzle stops and the car is not filled up
A woman that worked for/with me before I retired had the same issue with her municipal water. She paid outrages, and increasing, charges for water that was of questionable quality, always felt bad for her. I, on the other hand have great well water straight out of an aquifer that has a spring associated with it just a few miles up the road.Costs me nothing but a few bucks a year to run the well pump. Such are the benefits of living in the county.:clap

I remember family /friends who had well water and it was so refreshingly cool on hot summer days

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